Monday, January 30, 2012

Me at Thirty. (Three)

Its kind of hard to believe!  I don't know dudes.  I don't know about 33...

I notice more changes.  Mostly on my face.  My wrinkles have set in deeper.  And new little ones appear every day, it seems.  I have more days where I feel older, and my body aches when I get out of bed in the morning. I feel like I'll never catch up on sleep.  But I guess all that is just part of getting older.  Its just weird that it's actually happening to ME.  Like, I'm not supposed to get old... ?  And I'm not even OLD yet!  It feels that way sometimes though.

I need to have the same attitude as my mom.  She has said once or twice, "I earned each and every one of these wrinkles!"  That's how I should look at it.  The journal that my body has kept is like a badge of honor... A reminder of all things life.

The laugh lines are from the many joys that I've experienced.  I smile with my eyes and boy, does it show.  Tyra Banks calls it smizing, so I guess I'm kind of hip.

The sun spots are from lazy days on the beach.  Some of my best days were spent on the beach or just playing outside.  Happy, happy memories.

The rough spots on my feet are from the countless miles I have walked and all the places my feet have touched.  They have walked cities and countries and have taken me on the greatest adventures.

The chin wrinkles are probably from ugly crying.  Whether from heartbreak or being a dramatic teenager.  The ugly cry happens and my chin quivers and shakes and wrinkles up.

My least favorite right now are the forehead wrinkles.  They are a reminder of tougher times.  Or maybe from watching too many intense TV shows where I furrow my brow.  But those ones have really set in deep this year.  No amount of anti-wrinkle cream can tackle them.  At least they can be covered by bangs!

The stretch marks... oh, the stretch marks.  From my sweet boy.

My weak knees are from long jogs on cold mornings.  Which, surprisingly, I learned to love.

My backaches - well that must be from carrying around all this love.  {Not to mention a 24 pound baby.}  Can't really complain about that.

And of course my hands.  They display my wedding ring.  They take a million photos.  And although they are constantly chipped, my nails are polished & colorful.

Do you know how hard it was not to edit the crap outta these pics??

I have a full life.  I love many things about it.  There are things I wish were different, but not many.  If the next 33 years are anything like the first, I'll be in good shape.  And really, they will probably be better because I'm a wiser person now and I think I value the things that are truly important in life.  And I will continue to be grateful every single day for those truly important things.  And all the fun little filler things too.

Cheers to THIRTY! (Three)

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Alicia said...

I LOVE this post more than I know how to say here. I love you, Jaana. Thanks for this. My 33rd (ahem) is coming up in less than a month Yowsa. This one is a hard one.

Krista said...

I'm with Alicia - I love everything about this post... and i think you're more beautiful than you ever have been!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful look at life, love and everyday happiness. I love your photo collag -, to me I see beauty, motherhood, and life, (a life well-lived) not lines or sunspots or wrinkles. I'm almost 52 and I have to say that life gets better and better as we's all in your attitude. As you know I've been completely heartbroken about our relocation move, and it's been tough to keep a positive front and a sense of happiness. I've immersed myself in positivity e-newsletters, journals, just anything to keep afloat. But it's a life experience, one I'm happy to have. Ten years ago, I'd be a REAL the wisdom you acquire through the years, and the deepening of love all around is so sweet, you have MUCH to look forward to. Love, Laurie/@laurie716

Lisa,age over 50 said...

Love it also,but believe me when I say your 30's will be your best years.You aren't young and stupid anymore,and you aren't old and dried up,lololo At my age I look back and yes the glorious 30's.and YES all those fun things you continue doing,and please do, will all make sense one day,when you look back and say,I had a good life.Thank you for putting this down in words,and those spots,just bumps in the road of life.

Lara Peltekian said...

Amazing as always!