So my mother has never been to Disneyland unless she was sick, pregnant or had a little baby. Because of this, she has never seen Disneyland as a very fun place. I thought it was about time she got to go as an adult and really just let loose and enjoy herself. What better time than her birthday? That way she'd get to go when the weather was cool, plus we'd still see the Christmas decorations that are sooo cute this time of year. I am such a fun daughter who comes up with the best plans!
So I thought. We arrived at Disneyland today around 12:30 and we knew beforehand that it would be pretty crowded because its still winter break and all the kids are out of school. Plus it was the Friday after a holiday. Sure, I could see a lot of people being there. But I had NO IDEA what we were getting ourselves into. As we got off the tram, I could tell that yes, it was significantly more crowded than I'm used to. But I'm still thinking it won't be too bad. Until we get in line to get tickets. The lines wrapped all around the ticket booths to the back and through the main area between Disneyland and CA Adventure. OK, so this was looking pretty bad, but I just kept thinking that they are usually good about keeping people moving, so it would be fine. TWO HOURS later, we still did not have our tickets. And we were probably just a little more than half way through the line. At this point, we were re-thinking our entire plan. If it was this crowded outside the park, it was going to be pretty awful inside too. I left it up to Mom to decide what she wanted to do, and she was pretty content with leaving and finding somewhere else to go.
Don't get me wrong, we ended up having a fun day. But all my intentions and all the fun plans turned into just another lame trip to Disneyland for her. Sorry Mom!
What can you do in 13 years time?
5 months ago
what a serious bummer!!!! I guess mom and disneyland as of yet still don't mix. lame. why oh why for the busyness, they need to open up a second disneyland. anyway i want to see pictures of markus in his ugly dress??? you are still a very fun daughter for sure!!! love you
Aww that's too bad but STILL the ugliest dress thing looks like such a blast!
It was anything but lame! I still had a fabulous time with you kids - it really does not matter what we do as long as we get to do it together! And all the food! I don't think I have eaten so much in months - and it was all yummy! Thank you again for the wonderful weekend and the thought about going to Disneyland is still building up because now I have something to look forward to and be excited about. Disneyland will not go anywhere so my time will come....
I love you,
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