I am not a political person, by any means. I have a hard time keeping propositions straight and don't really know where I stand on a lot of issues. I feel the Democrats and Republicans are so far removed from each other and I'm sort of in the middle with a lot of their ideas. So how do you choose a side? Well, I didn't. I'm not registered to vote. I know, I know. It's insane, but it has never interested me in the least. And I would rather NOT vote than be one of the many, many uneducated voters who vote just for the sake of it and have no real knowledge of how their choice will affect the population. Plus I was trying to avoid getting called for jury duty.
I knew that if I didn't vote, I also had no right to complain. Which was fine with me. We all knew Bush was sort of an idiot, so everyone did the complaining for me. I kind of think the role of President of the United States of America is a lot of hype anyway. They have to go through so many people to get anything accomplished that they can't exactly run the country on their own. Which is also the beauty of America. I wouldn't want to live in some sort of dictatorship or something like that, but so much effort and so many details go into running their campaigns - and a lot of promises are made that they are not even sure they can keep.
I'm going to complain this one time and then you will never hear about it again - here in California, we passed a proposition to possibly make a bullet train to San Francisco when we don't have very good public transportation in our own cities. We passed a proposition to give farm chickens more rights. And we passed a proposition that takes away the civil rights of gay people. Chickens - 1 Humans - 0. I just think it's a little hypocritical for a state that is supposedly so "Liberal". I'm not against the chickens by any means. Poor little guys. But we should probably focus on treating human beings more equally, before we start humanizing the chickens that we eat. I'm just saying.
But I will also say this. If any election has raised my awareness in politics, and made me even consider registering to vote - it was this one. Every weekend for the past 2 months, no matter how hard we tried to avoid it, we ended up talking politics with our friends. My hubs was really interested in the issues this year and talked to me about them all the time. I never chose a side, but insisted on asking a lot of dumb questions. And there was this excitement in the air. People are desperate for a change. I can't blame them and I hope with all my heart that Obama doesn't let them down.
What can you do in 13 years time?
5 months ago
I wish you voted just for the sake of voting "no on prop 8." The results were such a downer on such a great day.
Okay, could we be more in the same boat? I "ditto" everything that you said, and I didn't vote either. Not that I am in the same state, and lets be honest, in UT it really doesn't matter as much. Anywho, just thought I would let you know that you are not the only one who just doesn't get some people's line of thought.
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