So I very quickly and randomly got a job as a Photography Assistant for a company that does school pictures. Today was my first day. There were a couple pros and cons. The pros are that with this company, you get 6 weeks off during the winter and 8 weeks off during the summer. It's also a fairly easy gig. I'm not behind the camera yet, just assisting the other photogs and trying to keep the day running smoothly. The cons are that I'm on the Waking-Up-At-The-Butt-Crack-Of-Dawn schedule (again), the days are long and the pay is practically nothing. So I'm happy that I found something so quickly but just need to try it out for a couple weeks to see if I like it enough to be waking up at 4:30 or 5am every day.
One thing is for sure - school pictures have come a long way!
What can you do in 13 years time?
5 months ago
Jaana- you have to call me and tell me all! That is very exciting! I hope you like it! Love you muchas! I love that pic too. I remember those years. I really do. So exciting! Sorry you have to wake up so early at the BUTT CRACK of DAWN .... hopefully that is not Paul BUTT CRACK in your face. But then again your married now you should be used to his BUTT and his CRACK. Am I funny? Because i kinda think I am ..hahaha lol. really I am well in my head. we have company...the in laws.
Amy, you are such a CRACK UP! Jaana, pictures don't come any better than the one you posted. That is a true Mom's angel right there!
that picture is so stinkin cute of you. sorry your morning is ruined but i am sure you will get plenty of laughs of all the kids trying to smile their prettiest :) that has got to be funny!
So do you have to clean snotty noses or just laugh and let it go? Is there still that one kid in every class that looks as though his parent's had no clue that it was picture day. Well congrats, anywho. I am sure it is fun and funny.
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