OK, deep breath.
So I know to most people, this entry is going to sound retarded. But today was a very, very big deal for me. I have been a blonde most of my life. As I got older, the natural blonde wore off, so for the last 8-10 years, this blonde has been artificial. It started with bottle blonde, just cheap over-the-counter concoctions. Then I started going to a salon because a friend was getting me a super deal. After I moved back to CA, I found a new stylist that I just love, and she made me the best blonde I've ever been. It wasn't cheap, but it was so great that the trend continued. Being blonde has been part of my identity for as long as I can remember. It's just who I am.
And today all that changed. (At least for a little while.) In order to scale back on spending, I decided that I will have to live without the salon for a bit. So I went back to my natural color. *GASP* Honestly, it sounds so stupid. I know it's just hair!! But I was really emotional today. I cried before I left home, knowing what I was about to do. I cried at the salon (and almost made my fellow blonde stylist cry). And I cried on the way home in the car. It's not so much that my hair is brown. Most of my favorite people in the whole world are brunettes. And they are all beautiful, wonderful people. So my stylist said "This will be good therapy for you. You will see that you can pretty as a blonde OR a brunette." And that's the hardest part for me. I guess with blonde hair it added a sense of confidence. It may have been fake confidence, but it was confidence nonetheless. I stood out and I liked that. Now I have to learn to look at myself in a different way.
I still get a little jolt when I look in the mirror but I know the shock will wear off in a couple days. My stylist did a great job matching up the color. And there is something to be said for having darker hair. It's a little more rocker and a little bit sultry too. So I can deal with that. And the beauty of hair color is that nothing is permanent. But those extra $$ dolla dolla billz $$ in my pocket every 6 weeks will sure come in handy.
3 days ago
Me Likey Likey. ;)
Loves it! (and that's coming from a hair and make-up artist) ;)
oh jaana you look beautiful!!! I don't think i would recognize you though passing on the street....nah sure I would!!! your YOU!!! I love you and miss you. I keep wanting to comment on all your fun posts, but I am on my phone and I don't like typing on it. I wish I could see you in person! YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!!! Love and miss you! Why didn't you call me!
looks good! lucky you to be able to pull off both!
Hello Beautiful! What a change - and a good one. Your fun personality will shine through the darker hair just like it did through the blonde. Can't wait to see it in person. Love you!
OMG I LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!!!! oh man, it loods so good! how nice is it to know now that you can pull off BOTH! awesome. it does give you a totally different look, but i think it will be very easy to get used too - can't wait to see it in real life!!!!!
p.s. i showed the pictures to jorel and the before was nana, but the after was mommy - and then i told him it was aunt jaana too, so then he repeated. "both au nana" and then it was mommy again but i'll get him straightened out haha :) cuteness
WOW!!! You look amazing! The color makes your face look really thin, not that the blonde made it look fat cause it didnt, it just changes the angles of your face I mean .....oh whatever you know what I mean. I really think it looks so good, but I am little biased being a brunette myself. Love you mucho!!!
I am loving it, Jaana! You are hott. {With two ts.}
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