Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Proposal

Yeah I saw it. What?

It was cute. As with most romantic comedies, it was utterly predictable, but I think that's why I go see those movies. I want something sweet that I don't have to think too hard about. And this one did the trick. I could complain that they didn't develop the romance enough, and they didn't develop the storyline with the ex-girlfriend enough, and they tried to take it too far with a couple silly scenes. But I won't complain. It is what it is. Although, it was a wee bit long (and I mean wee literally, as I had to, really badly, the last 20 minutes of the movie!) Oh, but the scenery - gorgeous!! I think it was filmed in Massachusetts. I want to go to there.

What was even more interesting than this movie was the fact that outside, there were hundreds of people lined up to watch the new Harry Potter premiere 10 hours before it opened!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I want to go to there??!!!
I freaking love you!