Tuesday, August 23, 2011

8 Months Old

Baby: The most notable thing from this month is the amount of babbling he's doing. He's blowing raspberries and saying "beh, bah, byah". He likes to feel new tooth #2 (bottom middle) with his tongue. He is laughing more and thinks its hilarious when I'm surprised at his coughs or loud noises. We are not much closer to sitting up unfortunately, so we are in the process of getting signed up for physical therapy. I'm sure they will help him better than I can. He went swimming with me twice this month and really enjoyed it (as long as the water is warm enough!) His helmet comes off in just another week or so and we are pretty excited about that. He didn't even have to wear it the full 3 months and his head looks so much better. I can't seem to get him interested in toys much, but he sure likes the iPad, much to my dismay. There is a LOT of Elmo's Song playing around here.

Head - 17.5" (30th %)
Weight - 21 lbs 12 oz (75th %)

Height - 27.5" (25th %)

Parents: Husband is still working a lot and that is a blessing and curse all in one. We're glad he has the work, but I know it sometimes overwhelms him that there's SO much to do. He's doing a great job though. And man, Stephen is crazy about him! His face lights up when Baba walks in the room. (No fair!) Just when I start to feel like we are settling into being a mom and dad, something else surprises us. And while it's true that Parenthood in general has been exhausting and difficult in its own ways, we just feel very lucky. We have so much to be grateful for! And we will have the celebration of the year if Stevie ever sleeps through the night.

Mommy's Thoughts: I sometimes wish I could take one day, just ONE DAY, off from pumping. OK maybe two. I know I'll be done with this soon but even I'm a little nervous to stop because of all the free calories! Could I BE more vain...?


Alicia said...

Oh, he is a doll.

Anonymous said...

Great news about the helmet! I heart you so much! Cannot wait to see you soon and baby too!