Friday, December 23, 2011

12 Months Old

Baby: Another month has gone by and still, no crawling!  Bummer. Not quite sitting up yet, either.  But he's closer every day. He can pull himself up when he holds my hands, but his balance is still terrible.  When we practice walking with him, he takes the huge, exaggerated footsteps that always make me laugh.  He's had a rough couple nights this month where he sleeps until about 3am and then wakes up and stays up.  That gets old fast.  But at least it's not a daily thing.  He sleeps more nights than not.  We went through a couple weeks where he REFUSED to wear his eye patch.  Since he learned to take off his glasses, it has been a nightmare.  A constant fight.  Stubborn little turd.  His 2 front teeth have made an appearance.  He first had these awful black and blue blisters before they broke through though.  Pediatrician said it's somewhat common.  As the tooth moves down it can break a blood vessel and fill up the gums with blood.  Yuck!  He has been quite the trooper as I've been keeping him extra busy this month. We took him to San Diego and Utah for Thanksgiving(s), then he joined me as we trucked the Finns all over town for 10 days, plus a road trip to San Francisco and now we are heading back to Utah for Christmas.  But man, he's been awesome.  Mostly stayed on his sleep schedule and just proves more and more that he likes being out and about.  Says "Ma" sometimes, but it always sounds like he has a stuffy nose - more like "Mba".

I still need to do his official 1 year pic...

Parents: We love and hate seeing him grow up all at the same time.  We agree that he just gets cuter and cuter every day.  His personality is really starting to show through and even that little face! We thought he couldn't get any cuter than when he was a little guy, but he has!  Love to squish his squishiness!

Mommy's Thoughts: As you may have read in a previous announcement, I stopped pumping.  And gained 5 pounds right away.  Grrr.  But I'll start running again and watching what I eat.  It's just no fun!  No more 30 Day Ice Cream challenges for me!  I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job as a mom.  It's being a good wife that I worry more about.  It's hard to balance a relationship with two people that you love so much that have such different wants and needs.  But we are all learning this together.  One year down... 99 more to go!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

On stopping nursing- I gained weight right away too. It was such a bummer and I still haven't done anything about it.